WELCOME TO THE PHANTOM'S CLOSET! We present the following page by Ghost Hunter, Author and Lecturer, Richard Senate. We hope you will find it interesting. Now...enter if you dare!

Richard Senate-
Premier Ghost Hunter    "Welcome to The Phantom Bookshop!"  

You are the 7629th soul to enter Richard Senate's Ghost Page since September 16, 1995.

Thank you for all the incredible response, questions and comments on my page. I will answer each of your questions or comments as fast as I can. The response is at times overwhelming in a busy shedule. I thank each and every one of you for your positively haunting comments.
                                          -Richard Senate, Ghosthunter
                                           April 1, 1996

We need your input for a new book that is being written on ghosts. All research material is welcome and will be acknowledged. Contact: Rob and Anne Wlodarski. You may phone or FAX (818) 880-6338. They will believe. If this is not convenient, you may email Richard Senate . We thank you all for any information on this subject.
Richard Senate was born in Los Angeles in 1948. He has a life-long interest in history and archaeology, and it was this that caused him to be a part of a "dig" at one of the Old Spanish Missions of California. Here he saw a phantom monk during a late night stroll...

From that experience he sought out answers to the many questions about haunted houses and the supernatural.He has investigated sites throughout the west and Hawaii. He is currently the author of five books on the paranormal and has appeared on a number of TV talk shows including: The Merv Griffin Show, AM San Francisco, You Bet Your Life (with Bill Cosby), "Sightings," and most currently "The Paranormal Borderline" UPN's new program on the paranormal experience. His current book "The Haunted Southland" is selling well throughout the state of California. He is married to a the talented psychic Debbie Christenson Senate and resides in Ventura, California with their three children. They both write a weekly column for the County and Coast Reporter newspapers as well as investigate reports of ghosts and haunted houses.

The Ghost Hunters Kit

In the investigations of haunted sites I have put together a collection of tools I have found useful.
  1. 35 MM camera loaded with XXX Black and White Film.A red gel should be placed over the FLASH UNIT.This causes the ASA to push into the Infrared Spectrum. I do not know why it works but using this configuration I have managed to take photographs of ghosts. A stereo camera is also useful. Take along at LEAST two cameras--one loaded with high speed film for low light and the other with XXX Film.
  2. Tape Recorder with a microphone that is EXTERNAL. Use music quality tape and ALWAYS use Brand NEW TAPE! Use in walk-though of haunted sites. When you are in a haunted place you may hear nothing! It is only when the tape is PLAYED BACK to spirit voices come out. They have a harsh, whispered quality and they only say one or two words, less than a sentence. This is called EVP for Electronic Voice Phenomena. Take along Two tape recorders. One just as a back-up with regular tape and a built in Mike.
  3. A good flash light but even the best can fail when you enter a haunted site--it seems that ghosts can manipulate electronic units. Sometimes a good kerosene lantern is better or a good old candle and match.
  4. Notebook of paper and a pen is one of the best tools to save data. Write down all that you see and feel and record the times when it happened --Keep a journal of your overnight ghost stake-out. Paper is also useful for drawing floor-plans of the haunted site and sketching a likeness of any ghosts you happen to see.
  5. Compass. This small thing can be very helpful in finding your way around county back roads and in mapping out a site. Also, I have found that a compass needle may act strangely in haunted places.
  6. A good EM Detector (Or Goss Meter) is very good tool. Ghosts are found in electro-magnetic fields. Why-? we still do not know but there is some interesting new research being done on this phenomena.
  7. Thermometers are always of help in any ghost hunt. Electronic ones are excellent but ghosts can manipulate them. Any change in the surrounding environment can indicate the presence of a phantom. For countless centuries people have felt an icy cold in haunted places. Some cold spots have a SIX DEGREE difference in Temperature and in some of the literature TWENTY DEGREES are recorded in haunted rooms (I haven't encountered that much of a temperature difference yet!)
  8. Silver Cross and a small bottle of HOLY WATER. (One can never be too careful you know--like chicken soup it can't hurt). Over the years silver has been liked to psychic events and I have noticed that women who wear a lot of silver jewelry seem to have more ghostly sightings--Why?I do not know.
  9. Dowsing Rods have been used for centuries to find water. But, strange as it sounds they can be used to find areas of psychic disturbances. They seem to react in places of murder and death, places where ghosts and poltergeists infest. Almost anyone can use dowsing rods and find lost items, and places where ghosts are found--but be sure you are not just finding buried water pipes! A little practice and you will discover how useful dowsing rods can be! If you wish to understand more of how ghost hunters seek answers to the riddle of a haunted house read my book THE HAUNTED SOUTHLAND (available from Phantom Bookshop listed below. If you should snap a picture of a ghost or pick up a phantom voice on tape please let me know and I can help you determine if it is real or accidental.

Phantom Finders Check List-Where To Look For Ghosts

  1. Cemetaries, -the older the better. Try to find the graves of murderers or victims. Feel for the moving "cold spots" and listen to the faintest of sounds--like soft sobbing. Sometimes a tape recorder can pick up the phantom voices!
  2. Battlefields, -the bloodier the better. Many of the battlefields of the Civil War are rumored haunted. Visit on the same date as the battle at dusk and sometimes smells and screams are heard. Battles from the Indian Wars are known to have ghostly figures wandering the site. Take a camera with black and white high speed film and you may get something extra in your pictures when they are developed.
  3. Churches, -the more ancient the better. It is said that many of the churches that are over 100 years old have a ghost or two. Try to spend a night in one if possible. Watch for moving lights--like candles floating in space.
  4. Theaters, -the older the better. Almost every old theater has at least one ghost. Try to interview actors and the tech crew for stories of the ghosts. Try to communicate with the ghost by holding a séance on stage. Sometimes people have had success with a ouija board--BUT, be careful! If anything bad starts to come out leave at once and stop using the board.
  5. Schools. Really old ones are good for a spirit or two. Many schools have ghosts. Many are in the gym or the bathrooms. Ask about, -and who knows what horrible events have happened in your local schools! Colleges can have more ghosts than anyplace else-dorms have haunts, too!
  6. Old hotels have ghosts! Most 100 year old places have a haunted room and for a few dollars you can spend the night with the ghost! Take along and hang up a mobile painted with glow-in-the-dark paint. As you try to sleep watch the mobile and see if the ghost moves it around! Ask the maids about the ghost, too. Some ghosts have a smell to them too!
  7. Prisons have ghosts, even ones that are not used as prison anymore. Also places where slaves were held long ago and places where prisoner's of war were kept. Walk the site and use dowsing rods-the kind that are used to find water--think about ghosts and the rods will direct you to those places where they are found! Keep a record of all your findings! And...Happy Ghost Hunting! If you find anything you can email
    Richard Senate, Ghost Hunter

  8. To order any of Richard Senate's Books contact Phantom Bookshop.
Text and Images© Richard Senate 1995. All Rights Reserved.

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